

An intuitive is a person who can see, sense or feel what is, beyond the ordinary 5 senses.  This skill can be used to understand more about a situation, an event or a person’s health and mental state. 

In an intuitive session, I sit with you in person  (or via telephone) and tune into your energy field and body.  I see the energy flow in the energy field around you (or sometimes lack of flow), and see patterns of constriction or turbulence in areas of illness.  I can see symbols, colours, images, qualities in energy centers in your body (chakras).  I can sometimes see the function of your organs.  I describe what I see and what I think it means and how these things relate.  Sometimes information about your current situation and emotional state is shown.  I trust that what is shown to me is for your highest good and will be the information you need now to heal or to make choices.  I experience and believe that spirits and God work together to help us in this way.  We can work together to work on healing for you, or for understanding to open up and shift the situation to one where you are aligned to your highest intention and wellbeing.

Sometimes information about possible future events is given, but this is based on what the current picture is.  If your actions change, those potential events can alter.   I don’t act as a future predictor, more as a communicator of what are likely outcomes or consequences based on the current situation or possible elements at work. 

Sometimes, the various outcomes or paths shown to me can help to illuminate unconscious feelings which might produce those outcomes.  These intuitive sessions can be especially helpful to people if they are struggling with health issues, or are uncertain about how to resolve a situation that requires them to make a decision where the outcome or their feelings are unclear.  This kind of session can help to illuminate the various elements of the current situation, and possible underlying feelings which may not be clear or conscious to the sitter.  Often in this kind of session, when things become clearer to the sitter based on what we are seeing, I will suggest healing practices during the session, if they are welcome, and invite in healing spirits, and suggest healing meditations or practices to work with after the session.

To book a session contact Iris at | telephone: 510 508 6205

For more information on how to prepare for your session, and other such session-related information, please visit our resources page.

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