Iris Hagen Ratowsky

Psychic Medium & Intuitive Healer


I have been a practitioner and teacher of homeopathy for most of my working life.  I had felt relatively in touch with my intuition for most of my life, and particularly in my hands-on healing work often felt and sensed things through my hands during sessions, and saw images from their lives when I worked on people that they confirmed were true.  But homeopathy is very analytical work, so I did not focus or develop the intuitive aspect of it consciously.

Things took a dramatic turn in my ability to sense things in the subtle plane when, in 2008, my beloved husband Richard Ratowsky died, and after his passing, I found that I could sense his presence, and disconcertingly, hear him speaking to me.  Over the next 9 years I experienced a series of deaths in my family and with each loss my ability to hear, see and sense the things being said and shown to me from my lost loved ones sharpened and increased.  Eventually, the spirits around other unknown people in public began to speak and show me things. This was especially stressful, as it sometimes happened around me in public and I did not know how to turn it off. 

However, over a period of years of reading many books about spirit communication, and studying for a while with another medium, with years of practice and experience, it became clearer how to communicate with spirits and what was being asked of me when I was given this gift. I believe that I was given this gift to heal myself after so many losses, and was also being asked by the spirit world, and I believe, by God, to offer spirit readings or discernments to people to help them heal their grief, as I had been helped in my grief by being able to see and hear those who had passed over.

Spirit communication and intuitive discernment are part of my spiritual path now, one that asks of me a life of devotion to the pure intention of being in touch with the Divine and of sanctifying my life, both for my own growth and also so that the spirits know that they are communicating with a being who is trying to act in alignment with the highest standards of integrity and goodness, on their behalf and on behalf of those who come for readings.

My path since 2008 has been to work to refine my skills in communicating with the spirit world, both to try to heal from my own grief and loss and to help others in their grief, with resolution, forgiveness, and healing with their loved ones who have passed over.

To book a session contact Iris at IrisHagenRatowsky@gmail.com | telephone: 510 508 6205

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