Iris Hagen Ratowsky

Psychic Medium & Intuitive Healer

Psychic Mediumship & Intuitive Sessions

with Iris Hagen Ratowsky

What Is Psychic Mediumship?

Psychic Mediumship is the practicing of facilitating communication between spirits who have passed on and those in the living world. A medium works to establish two way communication between a spirit and a living being in a very natural way, for reassurance, healing and to let us know that our loved ones are still with us and share our lives, although in a different way.


Client Testimonials

  • Just sitting with Iris was the first part of my healing journey! She is a loving and compassionate person. Her gifts have helped me spiritually, physically and mentally. Each time we visit brings new growth. The way she communicates with loved ones is very helpful to give me both closure in some areas and insight into others. Iris is able to see my physical disease in a clear, deep way that helps me make medical decisions and gives me the tools to work on myself. Her valuable readings have changed my life in many positive ways and I send all my family and friends to Iris when they need clarity, direction, or healing in any way.

    Mary Mediumship & Healing Client
  • I felt a confusion about life events, as I’m sure most people do at some point in their lives. I wasn’t even sure how to bring them to the surface and deal with them before speaking with Iris. Her Godly gift helped me to compartmentalize my issues and understand why I was feeling the way I did. And ultimately, Iris helped me to deal with them. She gave me mental exercises which helped me to appreciate my self-worth. My life changed for the better within just two readings. Iris' gift was extremely healing. Thank you, Iris!

    Laila Intuitive Healing Client
  • Iris is a tremendously gifted spiritual reader and guide whom I whole-heartedly recommend. My sessions with her have been insightful and heartwarming. Exquisitely attuned to the spirit world, Iris has interpreted very meaningful and helpful communications from my spirit guides and deceased loved ones. Her readings have brought me great relief, joy, and a sense of belonging and validation that I have craved since I was young. 

    Tamara Mediumship Client
  • I was not sure what to expect when I went to Iris for a session. I was blown away by how accurately she described the family lineage and the effects of certain key events. Her calm, non-judgmental manner set me at ease right away. Her words were a salve that I had been longing to hear for decades. I found her reading extremely helpful and healing. I often reflect on what was revealed during the session. I would not hesitate to recommend Iris to anyone seeking clarity and peace.

    Galen Mediumship Client

What Are Intuitive Sessions?

In an intuitive session I use my skills to see on the subtle energy plane. I can focus on you physically, emotionally and spiritually and tell you what I see. Often this leads into dialogue together about how to move forward to heal what is present, and we work together to do this through visualization and energy work. This can be a one time session, or can be ongoing work together, depending on your situation.

I can also use my skills to see into a situation you are experiencing and we can work together to gain clarity about it, and to use energy and visualization to improve it and to come up with a solution you can use to improve or heal it.

For more information on how to prepare for your session, and other such session-related information, please visit our resources page.

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