

It is important come with an open mind and heart.  Spirits communicate with the intention of healing and helping, both for you, other family members and also for their own healing.

Until we know whether a medium is skillful or legitimate, I think we all have a “wait and see” attitude, and this is quite natural with any person we are getting to know.  I think openness and neutrality is the best posture to adopt with a first session, to see if what happens seems real and helpful.  I am doing my best to create an environment in my mind and heart and the physical environment to make it comfortable for both sitter and spirits to feel accepted and safe and heard, and to also hear the spirit communication and relay that to you.  So, please be kind and open hearted to the spirits and to me so that the energetic environment will be friendly and open to spirit.

Sometimes sitters come in great grief and distress, and I understand that very sympathetically from my own experience and accept that.  I will do my best to be open and accepting of everything you bring, and everything the spirits bring to facilitate healing and the highest good for all of you.


Please be willing to verify information that I describe if you’re able to make a connection with it. Don’t stretch to make it make sense, but try to be helpful to the spirit to understand what it is trying to say.  If a spirit feels that it is understood, it will get the ball rolling and the communication can flow.  This is just like communication in our physical world.  If we feel heard and understood, we feel successful in our communication and get more chatty.  Spirits are like that as well. 

In order to make themselves identifiable to the sitter, spirits show me various things.  Sometimes they present images of things the sitter will associate with them, or scenes of their shared experiences with the sitter, or of their life that the sitter will recognize.  They may show or help me to feel what their personalities were.  They may present a smell or a sound.  Sometimes they show their final illness or how they died, or even how they were when they were young, or most vibrant.  Listen to the indicators the spirit is giving you and be as open as you can to understand who is coming through to speak to you.  It may not be the person you were expecting.

If a sitter has a cynical or hard “prove it to me” attitude, and is not willing to verify the identifiers the spirit gives, it makes the spirit frustrated, and they can just stop speaking.  It make the session feel like pulling teeth for all parties.  If you have such a feeling, it is probably better not to schedule a session as it won’t be satisfying or productive to anyone.


You never want to feel that you are “feeding” a medium, so it is best to answer only yes or no if you are asked if you understand a piece of information.  If you stop the flow by explaining everything to me that you recognize, it interrupts the spirit’s communication, and it makes it harder for me to listen to the spirit.  If you answer yes, that you understand the indicator, I know I am understanding the spirit and the spirit knows it is communicating well and they can keep going and developing the conversation. 

If you don’t recognize what is being said or shown, then the spirit can try another tack to see if you (or I) understand a different way.   So, yes or no answers are the most productive answers at the beginning of the session until the spirit has really communicated what it wanted to say.  Later on explanations can be given and spiritual help comes in then as we process the message, and a two way conversation can develop.

Sometimes you may simply not recognize something that is said or shown, but it may make sense later, so don’t reject it.  You may need to ask someone else later who knew the spirit if they recognize the symbol or the information, and it can become clear.  It is helpful to take notes of the session, or to record it to listen to later.  I have had this experience many times as a medium, and also as a sitter.

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